July 25, 2024
Overcoming Challenges in Filing a Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Claim

According to the Lawsuit Information Center, Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG) has received almost 20,000 claims from Camp Lejeune victims but has not taken any action on them and has not been accepting supporting documentation. However, JAG recently responded to a media inquiry, stating that they are reviewing the claims and “may offer a settlement” if the evidence supports the claim. Although this news is encouraging, it may not bring immediate relief.

If you were exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, it’s important to know that filing a claim for your injuries can be complicated. There’s no guarantee that the government will compensate you for what happened, and even if they do award compensation, many factors can affect the amount of money you receive.

In this article, we’ll walk through some common challenges related to filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim so that you can successfully navigate them when pursuing compensation for your injuries. Let’s get started.

Understand the Eligibility Criteria

To file a successful Camp Lejeune lawsuit, it is crucial to understand the eligibility criteria. Victims must have been stationed at Camp Lejeune between August  1953 and December 1987 and must have been diagnosed with one of the diseases linked to the contamination. These diseases include leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma, Parkinson’s disease, and others.

According to TorHoerman Law, LLC (THL), a law firm representing the Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuits, the process of filing claims for the Camp Lejeune Water Contamination is currently underway.

The law firm adds that if the Navy JAG does not validate a person’s claim within six months of filing, they have the right to file a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. And as of April 2023, several hundred lawsuits are pending in the Eastern District of North Carolina.

Understanding these eligibility criteria is important to ensure that the claim is filed correctly and to increase the chances of obtaining compensation.

Gather Evidence

To successfully file a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim, it is important to gather sufficient evidence to support the claim. This may include obtaining medical records, military service records, and other documentation that demonstrates exposure to contaminated water.

This evidence is essential in demonstrating that the victim meets the eligibility criteria for the claim. With the right evidence and legal representation, victims can increase their chances of obtaining compensation for the damages caused by exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune.

File Within the Statute of Limitations

According to Justia, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, passed in the summer of 2022, enables victims of water contamination at the Camp Lejeune military base to seek compensation through lawsuits. Those whose claims were previously dismissed may now be able to refile. The statute of limitations for filing the lawsuit is either two years after the enactment of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act or after 180 days of the government’s denial of the claim, whichever occurs later.

When filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim, it is essential to file within the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is the deadline by which a claim must be filed. Failure to file within this timeframe can result in the claim being dismissed.

Be Patient

Be patient. The process of filing and resolving a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim can be lengthy and complex. It is important to be patient and persistent and to work closely with an experienced attorney who can guide you through the process.

It’s not unusual for it to take several months before you receive any response from the VA about your claim. According to Roll Call, despite the passing of a law by Congress in August 2022 that allows Camp Lejeune victims to sue for damages in federal court within a two-year timeframe, the compensation process for the thousands affected by the contamination is progressing very slowly.

According to federal officials, over a million people may have been exposed to contaminated water from 1953 to 1987 due to surface waste pollution seeping into groundwater used for wells at the base.

Stay Informed

It’s important to stay informed about the status of Camp Lejeune water contamination claims. For example, you should know what government agencies are doing to address the issue and how they’re helping victims who suffered health problems as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals at the Marine base.

It’s also important for victims to keep up with developments in their cases. This means

  • Keeping an eye out for updates from law firms representing them.
  • Following news stories about Camp Lejeune and its impact on people’s lives (including yours), and
  • Keeping tabs on any new research that might shed light on whether or not you have grounds for a claim against one or more defendants involved in this case.

Seek Support

Filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim can be a challenging and emotionally draining process. Victims may experience a range of emotions, including frustration, anger, and sadness, as they navigate the legal process. Victims need to seek support from family, friends, and mental health professionals to help manage their emotional well-being during this challenging time.

Mental health professionals can provide counseling and support to help individuals cope with the stress and anxiety of filing a claim. Additionally, friends and family members can provide emotional support and help ease the burden of the legal process. By seeking support, victims can better navigate the challenges of filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim and move forward with the legal process.


If you or a loved one has been affected by Camp Lejeune water contamination, the time to file a claim is now.

You may be facing an uphill battle in trying to get compensation from the government for your medical expenses and any other damage done by exposure to these chemicals at this site. However, if you follow our tips for success and work with an attorney who knows how to navigate these complex issues, then we believe there is hope for receiving compensation from both the VA and the Department of Justice (DOJ).

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